Hello everyone! Welcome to single awareness day!! Yes I am single and yes it is Valentines but that is ok I always do something special for myself on Valentines. Make myself a nice dinner, watch a movie and eat CHOCOLATE!! So the holiday isn't to bad really, I make it through. What about you guys? What do you do on Valentines?
So in honor of this loving holiday I decided to post some pictures of my "What I love right now" smashbook. This one happens to be the small smashbook because good things come in small packages (some of the time anyway.) I decided to do a whole smashbook on things I love because I want to appreciate more of what I have, I think as a whole we don't appreciate a lot of what we have. Plus, it's fun looking back and seeing how my taste has changed or how technologically we have advanced. For instance, if you asked me in middle school what my most beloved thing was I would have said my portable CD player and all my CDs. Ah found memories with that chunky black thing that you couldn't bounce around too much or it would skip.

This is my favorite artists page. I wanted to keep it fairly simple since the pictures are what I'm trying to show off. Sorry the right side is so dark, the Washington weather isn't working with me here! I love all the colors and how they match the pictures. What do you think?
So I took the Starbucks symbol I had on a bag (from a tomato and basil sandwich YUM) and smashed it on here. The love stamp I thought would be good here and then I journaled on top about why I like Starbucks so much. It's also very simple but sometimes that's a good thing!
This one is also kind of dark, sorry it didn't look that dark on my camera. This one I wrote about how much I love my iphone! I saved the original receipt (because I thought that might be fun to look back on),put a little washi tape and put the stickers that came with my iphone on there. I like the black and white theme.
Well, I think that's about all I will share for today, hopefully I will feel up to smashbooking a little later, after my candy coma!
I hope you all feel very loved today!