Saturday, March 9, 2013

More Smashbook Pages!

Feeling more like myself today!! Yeah it's been months since I felt like my bubbly self! I also organized my craft area so hopefully I feel more inspired to be creative (since I know have a surface to put anything on) but I thought I would post some pages that I did a while back.
 So as you know I love doing currently's :) it's a snapshot of what you were feeling, doing and wanting for one moment in your life. You are never going to get that moment again so you might as well record it.
 This was a prompt of what is my guilty pleasure and I know I sound like such a Washingtonian but it's coffee! The more shots of caffeine the better especially when I have to get up at 5am to get to work. Have I mentioned I am NOT a morning person.
This is one of my favorite pages that I have made so far. This was a different take on the currently. The I hope and I want labels I got as a free printable (don't ask me where I got them I have gotten so many but Sweetly Scrapped is a blog that I usually get them from).
Well I'm glad I could share this with you all! Look forward to a post about my awful improving drawing skills since I am taking a amazing class from Megan Suarez!
Tuddle loo,

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